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Crisis & Emergency Responder Counseling

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That is how many responders in your field who will develop difficulty and experience post-trauma stressors.  It is not a matter of what is wrong with you or that you have a weakness, post traumatic stress and difficulty coping is a normal outcome to not so normal jobs.  If you are experiencing distress, hopelessness, or just aren't as passionate about your job as you once were, consider talking to a licensed provider who has experiences with First Responders.  
See more information below about common symptoms of  stress, coping, and resiliency.



Crisis and First Responders are the backbone of safety and security in our communities.  They are the first to run towards a public safety emergency.  They  bare the highest vulnerability in their life satisfaction, relationships, and personal mental and physical health.  According to SAMSHA, emergency public health workers, law enforcement officers, firefighters, EMS staff, and others in forensic professional jobs such as prosecutors, victim advocates, probation/parole, and corrections, run the highest risk for job burnout and vicarious trauma.  Simply put...our brains weren't cut out to manage risks to our physical and emotional health day in and day out.  Feeling the natural effects of your job shouldn't cost you your mental health, happiness, or wellness.  


Are you experiencing professional burnout, stress, vicarious trauma, or post-trauma symptoms?  Common signs are:

  • Sleeplessness/insomnia

  • Poor attitude

  • Sense of isolation, fear, or hopelessness

  • Intrusive thoughts about experiences on the job

  • Anxiety (while at work or home)

  • Problems with command structure and/or co-workers

  • Increase in use of substances

  • Relationship problems

  • Anger management

  • Nightmares or flashbacks about traumatic/high stress incidents

  • Thoughts of self-harm or suicide

  • Loss of satisfaction or happiness, even when doing things that used to make you happy

  • Poor work attendance


If you are experiencing even a few of these symptoms, you should consider counseling.  Counseling will not cure how you feel but you can learn how to develop a management plan for workplace stressors.  At the end of this section there are a few resources for you to review about the benefits of counseling and self-care.  Additionally, there is a screener to examine your professional quality of life.  


Dr. Rainey has worked alongside crisis and emergency responders for many years.  She has a passion for acknowledging the toll that first responders often pay for doing what they love.  Her approach is one of understanding and empathy while providing practical coping skills and interventions that often lead to symptoms reduction and improvement in general well-being.   Understanding that emergency responders often feel that counseling is a sign of weakness or inferiority, Dr. Rainey's goal is not to fix or correct what you are doing wrong or to find a diagnosis that fits, but rather to acknowledge the strengths you bring to your profession while reducing the natural, stressful impact of the work on your life.  Confidential services are provided and you will be scheduled at a time to give you the maximum privacy.  Call today for a free consultation.  Private pay sessions are also available for those who do not wish to use their health insurance coverage with a reduce fees program.  



Some helpful resources:


National Help Lines for Responders:



Fire/EMS Helpline

1-888-731-FIRE (3473)


Emergency Responder Crisis Text Line






Firefighter Mesothelioma Website




SAMSHA Publication Link


CDC Emergency Responder Link


Professional Quality of Life Scale



If you are experiencing thoughts of self-harm or suicide, please go to your local emergency department.  Contacting this website or emailing Dr. Rainey should not be considered an emergency intervention service.  Website and email are not monitored 24/7.  Your safety is very important and you should seek a crisis service.

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